Gaza War 30 Jan

While the IDF continues to slowly go about the business of rooting out Hamas terrorists and destroying their underground tunnel network, there is still some kind of 3 way discussions going on about freeing the remaining 136 hostages that Hamas is holding. Don’t expect any news of major progress from these talks. Hamas is holding on to the basic demand for a complete cease-fire (leaving them in control), and a guarantee that Yahyah Sinwar will not be harmed. They also want Israel to release ALL Palestinian prisoners currently in Israeli Prisons (including all terrorists that surrendered during the current conflict). Israel is pushing for the release of all hostages, and offering only a temporary cease-fire (that could even be for a couple of months). The go-between shuttle diplomats may talk about progress, but the primary objectives of both sides are still almost diametrically opposed.

On the side-lines, Egypt isn’t ready to give Israel permission to operate on the “Philadelphia route” that parallels the Gaza-Egypt border (possibly because it would disrupt the lucrative smuggling that goes on there). Hezbollah continues firing anti-tank missiles into Israel (despite Israeli threats to ramp up the fighting to a real war). Iran publicly claims it isn’t involved in any way with the conflict, and their proxy, the Yemeni Houthis, say they are only supporting the Gazans by their attacks on shipping involved in some way with Israel (or America, or, for that matter, with anyone the Houthis decide to attack).

The Israeli government also continues to avoid taking responsibility for the parts of the Gaza strip it has captured, despite the near universal interpretation of international law that says they are responsible. The Netanyahu government is still unsuccessful in trying to get anyone else in the world to take on the task. This leaves Palestinians in ALL of Gaza still under Hamas rule. Ridiculous, isn’t it?

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